Separate article Rom 5 Eph 1 ! Tim 1 ! Tim
“Adam’s sin had a devastating effect on all mankind. No
exceptions! We are all born to die! Destined to die! Death comes to all
irrespective of our merits or our morality or indeed our free will. We have no choice: No say in the matter: The reason is that we were all , in a sense, in Adams loins, in seed form, and what Adam did as head of the human family, automatically applies to all of us who descended from him. He was the First
Adam. He had 100% success rate in passing on death to us all There;s only one way out of this place today .. Death!"”
“Now that makes sense: Nice and simple: Mind you I
have a question about Enoch and Elijah who didn't seem to die but I’ll wait till later”
“Then Jesus came as the Second Adam: He was made head of a new humanity: God placed everyone who ever lived in Christ just as God had placed all in Adam previously: Jesus died for all
so he would pay our eternal death penalty but after 3 days dead God judged it sufficient and roused Jesus from the dead. Now He will be 100% successful in passing on Life to all, just as Adam had been in regard to death. That passing on of Life is underway and will take place in stages: It will be ended when death is abolished: No more death! No more dead! (1 Cor 15: ?)
"But won't most of them only be brought back to life to explain how bad they were and pass hell judgement on them"
"What's the crime?"
"Jesus paid in full the price of sin: No case to answer. Tetelestai"
"For not accepting Jesus into their hearts as lord and saviour"
"Is that a sin?"
"Yes: A major sin:
"Then it's paid for! Jesus paid for all sin"
"But these people had a choice and they chose not to accept Christ:
"So did Paul and was on his way to Damascus to persecute and kill christians: God knocked him off his horse, blinded him and converted him"
"Ok Ok but Paul was an exception:"
"No, in fact Paul is our pattern for salvation: See how on the island of lewis they had little choice: God power and presence was so strong many who tried to escape it were overcome and fell in repentace and were utterly changed. Listen to this short Video and imagine you are there:
"But won't most of them only be brought back to life to explain how bad they were and pass hell judgement on them"
"What's the crime?"
"Jesus paid in full the price of sin: No case to answer. Tetelestai"
"For not accepting Jesus into their hearts as lord and saviour"
"Is that a sin?"
"Yes: A major sin:
"Then it's paid for! Jesus paid for all sin"
"But these people had a choice and they chose not to accept Christ:
"So did Paul and was on his way to Damascus to persecute and kill christians: God knocked him off his horse, blinded him and converted him"
"Ok Ok but Paul was an exception:"
"No, in fact Paul is our pattern for salvation: See how on the island of lewis they had little choice: God power and presence was so strong many who tried to escape it were overcome and fell in repentace and were utterly changed. Listen to this short Video and imagine you are there:
“Then Jesus came as the Second Adam: He was to head up
a new humanity: God placed everyone who ever lived in Christ: He died for all
so he would be 100% successful in passing on life to all: That passing on of
life will take place in stages: 1 Tim 4: 9 is very revealing “
“ I have it here: Will I read it
“Of course”
“God is the saviour of all mankind, especially of
those who believe”
“Yes: today there is a special salvation for those God
has gifted with faith: Later He will save all others. Those saved today are
only special in being a a pilot scheme or pioneers: Chosen before time began
for this gift of faith and also marked with suffering (Phil 1:29)
that nobody would experience death after Christ in the
sense of absence of life for eternity.
“But people do still die: I know they do: I attended
the burial of a dear friend only last week”
“Because man has two lines of descent now he does
appear to die. But it is only temporary: Not eternal separation from life as
originally: If Jesus Had not died in place of man then death would be for ever”
“God is the saviour of all mankind, especially of
those who believe. What does that mean "especially those who believe"”
“Today is a special time and there is a special salvation for those God
has gifted with faith: He is dragging them to salvation not because of their own goodness or merits but because He chooses it so: Later He will save all others. Those saved today are
only special in being a pilot scheme or pioneers: Chosen before time began
for this gift of faith and also marked with suffering (Phil 1:29)
that nobody would experience death after Christ in the
sense of absence of life for eternity.
“But people do still die: I know they do: I attended
the burial of a dear friend only last week”
“Because man has two lines of descent now he does
appear to die. But it is only temporary: Not eternal separation from life as
originally: If Jesus Had not died in place of man then death would be for ever”
“What do you mean "generations after you"?”
"God pours out such blessings that even 40,000 years later (Exodus 20:6... 1000 X 40 = 40,000 years at least) whole families are under special and unusual blessings. Read Exodus 20 for yourself:
"Wow! So their descendants are all believers?"
"Slow down now! Stall the digger as they say! You can't become a believer in this present age except by the election or choice of God before time even existed. However you can enjoy other blessings of care and protection. 2 Timothy 1:9 says "Who saves us and calls us with a holy calling, not in accord with our acts, but in accord with His own purpose and the grace which is given to us in Christ Jesus before times eonian" and the book of Ephesians confirms this in chapter 1 verse 4: "according as He chooses us in Him before the disruption of the world"
"So let me get this: Only those chosen by God before time began, stand a chance of being saved and going to heaven? That's the crazy elitism of Calvinism and paints a terrifying picture of a kind of pagan God who decides willy nilly who will be saved and who will burn! Talk about Alice In Wonderland and "Off with his head" nonsense"
"I never said only those chosen before time began are going to heaven: If I had said that then it would be Calvinism and your scepticism would be justified: Actually what I have to say is one million times better than Calvinism! BTW did you ever actually hear the real good news?"
"You must be joking me: I have heard of the good news every week since I was a toddler: If anyone knows it I.m your man!"
"So let me hear it then: Tell me this great news!"
"Adam who was head of the human race fell into sin and all who descended from him were sinners from birth.. Then Jesus came and died for the sin of the world and hopefully He will save at least 10% -20% of mankind -- all who ask him to save them. The rest are lost for ever in the fires of hell and God who loves them all is very sad about that but can do nothing about it because mans free will is seemingly stronger than God plans or Gods love. "
"If you call that good news then it's no wonder people think you're crazy: That's possibly the worst news I ever heard and a far cry from Luke 2:10 " Good tidings which shall be for all men"
"But what I told you is what every christian believes; Its written in black and white on Statements of faith. Preached from pulpits every Sunday"
"That's not the good news of salvation at all: That's the Bad news of Satan. The enemy has convinced the christian establishment for 2000 years that Jesus failed and man has swallowed the bait: It makes Satan the clear victor and Christ a very poor second! "
"I believe Jesus is the greatest victor that ever lived on this earth!
How absolutely right you are: And in order for that to be true Jesus must save more than Adam ever lost. This is how He did that and here are the hundreds of scriptures proving it"
“What do you mean "generations after you"?”
"God pours out such blessings that even 40,000 years later (Exodus 20:6... 1000 X 40 = 40,000 years at least) whole families are under special and unusual blessings. Read Exodus 20 for yourself:
"Wow! So their descendants are all believers?"
"Slow down now! Stall the digger as they say! You can't become a believer in this present age except by the election or choice of God before time even existed. However you can enjoy other blessings of care and protection. 2 Timothy 1:9 says "Who saves us and calls us with a holy calling, not in accord with our acts, but in accord with His own purpose and the grace which is given to us in Christ Jesus before times eonian" and the book of Ephesians confirms this in chapter 1 verse 4: "according as He chooses us in Him before the disruption of the world"
"So let me get this: Only those chosen by God before time began, stand a chance of being saved and going to heaven? That's the crazy elitism of Calvinism and paints a terrifying picture of a kind of pagan God who decides willy nilly who will be saved and who will burn! Talk about Alice In Wonderland and "Off with his head" nonsense"
"I never said only those chosen before time began are going to heaven: If I had said that then it would be Calvinism and your scepticism would be justified: Actually what I have to say is one million times better than Calvinism! BTW did you ever actually hear the real good news?"
"You must be joking me: I have heard of the good news every week since I was a toddler: If anyone knows it I.m your man!"
"So let me hear it then: Tell me this great news!"
"Adam who was head of the human race fell into sin and all who descended from him were sinners from birth.. Then Jesus came and died for the sin of the world and hopefully He will save at least 10% -20% of mankind -- all who ask him to save them. The rest are lost for ever in the fires of hell and God who loves them all is very sad about that but can do nothing about it because mans free will is seemingly stronger than God plans or Gods love. "
"If you call that good news then it's no wonder people think you're crazy: That's possibly the worst news I ever heard and a far cry from Luke 2:10 " Good tidings which shall be for all men"
"But what I told you is what every christian believes; Its written in black and white on Statements of faith. Preached from pulpits every Sunday"
"That's not the good news of salvation at all: That's the Bad news of Satan. The enemy has convinced the christian establishment for 2000 years that Jesus failed and man has swallowed the bait: It makes Satan the clear victor and Christ a very poor second! "
"I believe Jesus is the greatest victor that ever lived on this earth!
How absolutely right you are: And in order for that to be true Jesus must save more than Adam ever lost. This is how He did that and here are the hundreds of scriptures proving it"