Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Revivals: The Real! The Fake! The Future!

Job, eventually and after much pain came into closer relationship with God. His response, in chapter 42:5 was as follows: "I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now eyes see you and I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes". 

The great prophet Isaiah had spoken so eloquently and so powerfully of God but in chapter 6 he got a new revelation of the holiness of God and said:  “Woe is me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King,the Lord Almighty.”  

John the evangelist probably knew Jesus of Nazareth better than most of the 12. This gentle obedient servant of the Lord says in Revelation 1:17 on meeting the glorified Christ:"  When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead"

These examples show that God never compromises His Holiness and as long as we are in this sinful body of flesh we tremble in the presence of God's holiness. Today God is master and Christ is lord!. We are his willing slaves just as on earth Jesus made himself servant of His father God. When God comes down in personal or in community revival it is to lift up up rather than wallow in our darkness! 

In wales the revival was powerful and life changing!: Here the abiding sense of God's love and forgiveness was expressed so eloquently in what is known as "The Love Song Of The Revival". Listen closely to the depth of understanding these people were gifted with and the soundness of the underlying knowledge of the Word.

                      Love Song Of The Revival

Less than 50 years later the island of Lewis in the Hebrides was privileged by God to taste the wonderful blessings of His visitation. As you watch the Video be aware of the 3 aspects of Real Revival, mentioned in part 2,  and note how each one is present in this revival

(A) The terrifying Holiness of God  
(B) The Majesty and authority of God!  
(C) Agape love and Grace and Blessings in abundance

                          Lewis Touched By God 

When we compare these movements of God to the demonic circus of Toronto Blessing? or Florida Bam Bamming .. we are left speechless. Why oh why did nobody have the courage to shout stop? Where has the leadership in Gods ecclesia gone? Let me summarise this Fake satanic entertainment for you:

  • A Demonic circus that embraces everything ungodly!
  • The Holy Name of God was blasphemed
  • Scripture & Christ trodden underfoot and laughed at
  • Flesh exalted and sin canonised as the norm
  • Demons invited onstage and Kundalini Spirits In Shameful Control.
  • Countless millions forever misled and all in the name of Jesus

           And No One Shouted Stop

Now even at this late stage I invite the following men and women to come to their senses, meet together and have a look back at some of these videos of crazy carry on: It's time admit that God was blasphemed by much of this foolishness.

I'm speaking to you Benny & Rodney & Bill & John and Carol and John Wimber ..Todd I'm speaking to you and Oral and Kenneth C and Kenneth H. None of you were just sheep for you were appointed (or self appointed) shepherds and have much more to account for: (1 Cor 3:10 -15) At some point along the way the anchor of the written Word was discarded for the prestige of signs and wonders. That was wrong as you could have and should have held both (John 4) as in Lewis! {Let's call a spade a spade! True worship must be in spirit and in truth:} The result was you opened a highway  to demonic seduction by demons masquerading as angels of light:(Spirit of Katherine Kuhlman or Angel Emma or Kundalini spirits or spirits of Greed) 

Please listen to a simple Irishman. To put it bluntly, you are all old men and old women now but the circus is still in town! Come back to the written Logos: It is and always was  the central ANCHOR,  {It is not subjective} on which all else is held in balance.We cannot trust anything that does not line up with the rightly divided and rightly translated word. You have lost years, fellowships worldwide  have displaced much of the objective reason based Word with loud music , sensuality & immorality -{ the fruit of Kundalini spirits} is now rife in pew and pulpit: Quiet confusion reigns! But God! But God! There still is a place in heaven retained for every last man and woman of you according to 1 Cor 3  Repent  openly of all this nonsense: He's coming soon! And He still cares for you all!

When Is The Next Revival?  Final Word!

If ever God ordains another Lewis it has to be in the next 4 years IMHO. (i.e. 2018 - 2023). 

  • It may well start with personal revival in your own life:
  • Insatiable thirst for more of Jesus will be your food.
  • Holiness or separation from worldliness will follow.
  • You wil no longer be addicted to TV ,Media or I-Phone.....
  • You will long for closer intimacy with Christ, 24/7.
  • Anything that condones sin will be quietly discarded!
  • Comedy that attacks what God holds sacred grieves you!
  • Everything you do ill be  firmly anchored in the Word ..
  • Refreshed daily by the Rhemas of God (Declarations)
  • Carried along by the fruit of the spirit and brokeness ... 
  • The last Revival is then imminent! Enjoy & Tremble!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Revival In Lewis part 2

“OK! OK! Enough of all this high theological stuff! Can we get back to Peggy and Christine in the Isle of Lewis? What was this gift they had that was so special”

"The great gift they had was they were accustomed to recognising God’s voice when He spoke and the reverence to obey exactly and in simplicity what He told them"

"This is exciting: God spoke to them. What did He tell them do?"

"He impressed on them the need for a new presence of God on the island. A presence that would invade every heart and every gathering: A presence that would disrupt all human normality and all meetings and replace it with HIM. A presence that would destroy sin, not by law but by His awesome closeness: He gifted them to seek him in prayer and that they did. Every Tuesday and Thursday night from 10 pm for 5 hours Peggy and Christine laid all before Him"

“See. I knew it: They were the women who brought the revival”

“Not too fast now: The women were agents in the hand and purposes of God. There were also  7 men praying at the same time. They were from the Free Church Of Scotland and their hearts were broken at the sad state of the church. Dead sermons, dry prayer, a form of ritual and Godliness but no power to change lives. They were led to prayer 3 times every week for 5 months"”

“I never heard of these 7 men: Are you sure? Doesn’t sound near as romantic as Peggy & Christine!”

“Romantic or not they met 3 times a week and after 5 months God spoke to them at exactly the same time as He spoke to the sisters”

“But how could God speak? Did He use a loudspeaker? I know God made the world and all that is in it but I never realised God could speak”

“Who do you think made the tongue? Who made the voice and languages? God spoke all right!

“Wait! I know the end. The revival began next day and swept over the island! Right?”

“Wrong: But you’re on the right track: God told the sisters that His glory would fall in two weeks and to send for a man called Duncan Campbell”

“Who was Duncan Campbell? Was he some famous theologian?”

“Duncan was a praying man who knew the Word and though reluctant to come at first, he eventually did come and after a series of dry empty useless meetings God showed up at 3 am one morning and that was that”

“So everybody just came to evening meetings and got saved?”

“Actually most got saved outside of that building: In pubs, barns on the roadside in hay fields. On one occasion 600 people were making their way to the building when the spirit of God fell on them: They lay on the ground for ages crying out to God for mercy”

"Why was that?"

"The presence or closeness of God is a frightening experience unless you understand about justification by faith. Only this knowledge will bring peace with God. Justification by faith  must never have been teased out for them so they were in dread and afraid of dying as God manifested in their lives and in their hearts.

“Hope someone said the prayer of salvation with them”

“Nope: They just left them with their God until all issues were settled. Many lay weeping and crying out to God for hours. God Himself must have intervened to reveal that {by His gift of God-Faith } they were declared as righteous before as Christ. . Then peace and joy flooded in". (Rom 5:1)

“That was so cruel: Leaving them alone and worried. In our church nobody is treated like that”

“Not nearly as cruel as convincing the unconverted that they are saved: If ever you experience revival it won’t be just the same old same old: You will never ever ever be the same again: Changed for ever and even generations after you will be blessed"

"Could I ask you a question that has bothered me since you started talking about this Lewis Revival "

"Please do: I'll answer as faithfully and as fully as I can"

My question is this: What exactly is a Revival?"

"My view is that a revival is a special visitation of God's Holy Spirit on an area or on a country. It is entirely of God from start to finish: However in His wisdom and love God invites others alonjgside: Some to pray it in: Others to preach teach or guide. Man of course in his lack of wisdom often credits himself with starting revival and carries the guilt of causing it to cease:There are genuine revivals and fake revivals of course"

"Ok, so what are the marks of a genuine visitation of God?"

"Every genuine visitation has 3 foundational pillars:

 (A) An enhanced and constant awareness of God's love and grace and blessings
 (C) Fear and trembling when faced with God's holiness.
 (B) An awe and reverence before God's majesty and His authority

"So if any of those 3 are missing it's only a small revival?"

"Don't put words in my mouth: If any one of those elements is missing then it is an angel of Satan masquerading as an angel of light and not a revival at all"

"That's a bit harsh! Surely you couldn't be so dogmatic about The Toronto Blessing or The Florida Revivals? Be careful as God says don't judge"

"This is a statement of fact: God's majesty and God's Holiness was blasphemed in those revivals:His Word , which He holds in such high esteem was trampled on as the world was entertained on TV end media: My heart was broken!"

"But is it not dangerous to be so dogmatic and divisive"

"Absolutely not: Only truth will set anyone free: Lies are of the devil and have no lasting power to set free: Wake up teachers and pastors! God is not divided. When He visits He doesn't leave His Grace or His majestic authority or His Holiness behind"

"Wow! didn't know you were so upset about these minor events:"

"Minor?  I saw real genuine believers trotting off to Canada and USA and Temples of the Holy Spirit were robbed and scammed by con artists: No respect for the Majesty of God! No awe before him! No conviction of lives lived in materialism and pride"

"Ok I see now what you mean: I have another question on this issue of revivals: When will the next genuine revival come?

"Let me address that question straight away. But first I want to take you in person to the revival itself and let you hear, first hand , from a man who was coaxed into it By God""

To Be Cocluded In Part 3 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Lewis 1949 revival Q & A

“Who started the Hebrides 1949 revival?”

“That one is easy: It was God of course!”

“I heard it was two sisters who prayed for years for revival”

“No: Poor old blind Peggy and her sister Christine, plagued with arthritis found it hard enough to start the fire in the morning, never mind start a revival.”

“Come on now: So why did God do it and in such a remote location?”

“Not a clue: God is God and He does what he wills: Many times He half-hides His acts”

“But you must have some ideas why He did it there?

“Well it could have been to show just a small touch of the Shekinah glory, a taste of millennial times when “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea”

“But where do the two sisters come in? I heard that only for them there would never have been a revival and if only others did the same today we would have revival again”

“How could anyone do the same again unless they were able to make decisions for God as to who He would call to such prayer. Look God planned it: He knew how He wanted it carried out and in His wisdom He decided to speak initially to Peggy and Christine, two elderly ladies who had one great advantage over everyone else on that whole island"

“What advantage? Had they mighty gifts of the Holy Spirit? What degrees or diplomas had they? Did they at least know the bible from cover to cover? "

“The strange thing is that most folk on that island knew the bible very well. Prayed morning and night and read scriptures daily. But like young Samuel of old they did not as yet know Him!

“Don’t follow you: Isn’t that what knowing Him is: Read your bible: Say your prayers: Got to church? You’re not making any sense at all: What did you mean by saying they did not know Him?”

“Jesus said my sheep hear my voice and I know them … you can read the bible cover to cover: Have degrees and diplomas wallpapering your bedroom walls and still have no idea who he is.”

“Well if what you say is true then all these islanders who knew scripture and prayed daily must have been thirsty for this deeper voice and presence of God. People like that would know if the Holy Spirit was not present at meetings and gatherings”

“Meetings without Christ are very common and very comfortable. Everyone knows the formula: What will happen: When it will happen: No crazy stuff: No embarrassing revelations: People love the status quo and are comfortable with meetings about God so long as He doesn’t turn up in person”

“But what you say is that a wedding where the groom fails to show is normal?”

“Normal in 2018 but plain silly, to be honest! However once it happens over and over again people get accustomed to it and they are happy and relaxed with it: They fill the gaping emptiness of Christ's absence with noise and music and stories and technical stuff. Today's church is so terribly busy but no amount of activity in the name of the King can make up for the frightening absence of the king”

“You are putting me off being a Christian at all.I never hear His voice like that. Most christians I know never did: Isn't that the job of the preacher or the priest? ”

He who has the son has life: (1 John 5:12:Romans 8:9b)  The son (Christ) speaks to us either as the Logos (Written Word) becoming a living Rhema or He speaks in ordinary everyday language (tidings, picture, impression, song) that lingers in your spirit does not contradict scripture. Its not a matter running here or there, doing a million things for God when God never asked anyone to do anything for him: As far as our old self is concerned we are considered dead men walking: Jesus after offering one sacrifice for sin for ever SAT DOWN: Tetelestai.. Finished! Paid in full! 

“OK! OK! Enough of all this high theological stuff! Can we get back to Peggy and Christine in the Isle of Lewis please in 1948 please : What was this gift they had that was so special”

 "The great gift they had was they were accustomed to recognising God’s voice when He spoke and the reverence to obey exactly and in simplicity what He told them"

"This is exciting: God spoke to them. What did He tell them do?"

"He impressed on them the need for a new presence of God on the island. A presence that would invade every heart and every gathering: A presence that would disrupt all human normality and replace it with HIM. A presence that would destroy sin, not by law but by His awesome presence:
 He called them to seek him in prayer and that they did. Every Tuesday and Thursday night from 10 pm  for 5 hours.

(to be continued)

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

A Stranger In Town

Reports are coming in from the west of Ireland on the recent visit of one calling himself "Kristos". The visit  has now apparently ended without further trouble. This may be due  to the 17,400 army personnel drafted in from the Curragh army Camp or the large posting of police. All reinforcements were needed as emotions were running high at the end of the week: A woman in her sixties In Belmullet said this "Kristy" character as she called him) should be lynched and one elderly farmer in Aghamore, in the east of the county, mentioned stringing him up from the nearest tree.

The week had started with a high level of excitement and expectation and it seemed all was running to script when large numbers of patients at Castlebar General Hospital were instantly healed and walked out of emergency and operating Theatres totally whole. Admittedly there were some rumblings of discontent later as over 50 consultants and 152 doctors were put on notice of dismissal.  MCC announced the planned sale of 87 Trollies used for overflow situations but Local Pharmacies called for a stay on this  saying the move was knee jerk and  premature. A&E section in Castlebar, when contacted,  said it was too early to say if the sale would go ahead at a later date.

The visit to Knock Marian Shrine proved a turning point however. Seems as Kristos  approached the Shrine massive meltdown of paintings, one worth over a million Euro, occurred. Resulting damage to roof and ceiling from intense heat was estimated at 250,000  A local said he saw statues actually disintegrating before his eyes and the historical  Apparition Gable suffered huge structural damage. The choir were singing that beautiful song about Mary being "Queen of Ireland" and they were all struck dumb and some had mental breakdown as he spoke. Kristos spoke very little in fact but His few words  were full of authority as he said:--"Come out of her my people ...Flee from this pagan worship of the dead" . Nobody I spoke to had any idea what he was referring to but one teacher said he thought those words were from some place in the bible.! The following day two stall holders ( who sold religious parapaharnelia at the shrine) .. packed up actually emigrated to Japan.

Later a large crowd of unruly and very disturbed church goers assembled in the nearby car park. Many wondered why the army had not been called in to protect this Holy Shrine: An eerie silence and unusual dread hung over the place. However nobody was quite sure who to lay the blame on but all were agreed  heads should roll!

Later that evening there were reports of  a small earthquake like eruption in the Achill Island area. A large building (Often referred to as the Prayer House) was totally demolished and fragments of stone littered the island. Christine Gallagher was not there at the time but when contacted in one  her houses abroad she said our Lady had spoken to her privately about this and said it was an omen of an imminent Russian and Chinese invasion of Ireland. The Irish army has been placed on full alert!

Order of Malta have announced that any climbing of Croagh Patrick {Ireland's Holy Mountain} is out of the question at the moment due to the huge landslides in the area overnight. Mayo Co Council later indicated that it could be 10 to 14 years before the pilgrimage could resume. A Westport T.D said in an interview with local radio that this Kristos imposter was obviously a fraud and had done irreparable damage to the tourism industry in Mayo and to the whole economy of the west. He urged Government and religious authorities to get together and prevent any re-occurrence,.

Bishop O Lunasa, auxiliary Bishop of Lahardane and Nephin Dioceses , called into question any religious or spiritual significance to these events.. "Anyone who attacks established places of worship or indeed damages places associated with the mother of God will have God himself to answer to .. and no doubt about that" the bishop fumed. Then he continued: "No God will have his mother demeaned like that" The Bishop was upset and visibly shaken.

On the Wednesday morning a very sad event occurred in the town of Ballinrobe:  Kristos was in the area but could hardly be blamed for what happened. It seems two young people, very well liked in the area were being married at a ceremony in the town. Local fire officer explained  that during the service the room began gradually to fill with a thick dark smoke. The overpowering pungent smell of sulphur forced the abandonment of the marriage and both men involved, bride (!) and groom, were utterly devastated. Later the weeping  bride said "Our whole wedding day was ruined: But our love will never die ..."

"We have enough to contend with this week" the fire officer stated "without tasteless pranks like this"  Police are investigating the cause of the smoke and are looking for all help from the public.

Most mainstream churches and places of worship stood aloof from this cult visitor. A pastor said they never speak uncharitably  of anyone.  Kristos on the other hand  showed no such reluctance, and when asked about certain  religious establishments simply said: "Let the dead bury their dead" Not a very loving or Godly attitude many thought, for one who claimed to be.....

An inter denomination group {"Christians For Christ"..CFC} sought to draw Christians closer by all this Kristos excitement. They organised a meeting outside Pontoon in a field and over 120,000 turned up. I spoke to some who attended and they said it was so powerful and so anointed. "The singing and music would melt the coldest heart" one woman told me:

 It went on for over two hours and many were visibly touched and some wept. Towards the end of the meeting a few verses of scripture, carefully chosen so as not to offend any of the different groups present, were actually recited by a girl from the local drama group. Even though Kristos failed to turn up (Delayed talking to some turf cutters and crab fisher men in the Belderrig area) the evening was deemed a glorious success. One of the organisers told me "Lives are being changed here: All everybody wants and prays for now is peace and to get back to what it was like before all this nonsense began" And so say all of us here in the newsroom!

Pope Francis, who is due to visit Ireland himself in the fall,  has called for calm and forgiveness. The Holy Father  said the real Jesus would never act in so radical a fashion or cause such hurt and confusion. . However he further indicated that being the year of Mercy there is hope for all -- even this Kristos impersonator , if he says the apostles creed and comes kneeling thro' any of the 33 doors of mercy in Ireland". Many others however were not so willing to forgive:

{This is Sean Mac An Eaglais reporting from a troubled, angry  and very confused west of Ireland}

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Nobody Ever Got Saved By Doing This.

What I am about to say may shock and disturb but that is not my intention. 
In a world growing darker and darker by the day it is important that "the salt lose not it's savour" i.e. that the sharpness and clarity of God's Word be precious to our hearts,

We are in the world but not of it: A ship behaves fine surrounded by the sea but if ever those seas get into the ship it spells disaster. Let's investigate then our salvation by examining scripture rather than listening to Youtube or other dead sources.

"Nobody will ever get to heaven by inviting Jesus into their hearts: Nobody ever will be saved by filling out a decision card, walking up to the front of a congregation or by answering an "altar call. Go back 200 years and you'll find none of that commercialism  and very little of it until it was popularised in the 1970s"  There! I've said it now and many could be hurt, dismayed or confused but let me do my best to tease this matter out and bring comfort.

John 1:13 tells the reason why, in plain easy to understand terms:

"who were begotten not of bloods, neither of the will of the flesh, neither of the
 will of a man, but of God"
  • Not of bloods means it's not passed down from parent to child: nor from believer to believer:
  • Not of the will of the flesh means it's not of anything you say or do or desire: (John 6:44)
  • Neither can the efforts or prayers or formulae of any preacher or evangelist bring it about:
  • If it's going to happen it must be of God and God alone!

Jesus said;  "You did not choose me but I have chosen you!" (John 15:16)

If you're not chosen of God for this period you can't make yourself chosen.: Have you ever known someone who appeared to be a genuine seeker who invited Jesus into their heart,  said all the right words  and walked to the front but were not "changed" a whit. To call a spade a spade they came out the same as they went in and life went on just as before. Untouched! But why?

Today, God is choosing an Ecclesia (called out ones), who are graciously gifted with God-Faith and and He has also ordained suffering for them (Phil 1:29) This suffering will loose the ties to this kingdom of darkness thus extricating them from "loving this present world system"  Millions upon millions of others, some of them apparently far more deserving of God's mercy, are banging on the door of heaven but all to no avail. That door is firmly shut by God and open only to those God has chosen for round 1. Sounds so unfair until you see His amazing plan for those chosen for rounds 2 and 3!

In a later article, I will explore what the future holds for all others, (with separate destinies and callings) but for the moment let's focus on those called today.: God chooses whom He chooses not based on moral integrity or religious fervour. To outsiders they may look like  a motley company of apparent drop outs and losers. {Remember that Gideon's 32,000 army was whittled down to 300 for God's greater glory:} Those chosen today here on earth will always be a small company, suffer as Jesus and Paul and all the chosen did. (Heb 5:8: 2 Cor 11:24ff) Later they will be snatched  away (raptured) for an amazing 1000 year work in applying the blood of Calvary to the heavenlies!

I know we can convince ourselves and others that seekers we heralded the good news to and who "said all the right the words"were secretly saved:  But salvation is not a formula and salvation is never secret:  It's a CHOICE.. not our choice but God's. (John 6:44: Romans 9:10-11)

 Those dragged out by God's choosing, like Paul, are  knocked off their horses (Be it the horse of religion, atheism, good works, respectability etc),  They are graciously gifted with a wonderful revelation of the risen Christ, (rather than the Jesus sent to lost sheep of Israel - Matt 15:24 
2 Cor 5:16). 

They have no desire  but to confess Christ openly and realise in their hearts that He is risen indeed. They enjoy a realisation that sin is paid for and they respond spontaneously to the free gift of God's righteousness with unbridled joy while also feeling the pain and tears of  rejection.

{Initially after such a revelation they are so blessed that they often seek out a christian meeting or a bible group and do what they're instructed to do by that group. (Repent, ask Jesus into your heart, make a decision) They are then declared SAVED by that denomination or fellowship. Man's pride is satisfied that he has achieved something: But no! They were actually saved weeks or days or seconds before ever doing anything by coming into contact with one who heralded the Gospel: Let's give  God all the glory! Not a man with man's formula but God with his appointed preacher or heralder}

If your hope of salvation is based on how you followed  "such a formula" in the past, then beware that the light that is in you is not darkness: How can you be sure? How can you check whether you're saved or not?  In 2 Tim 2:19 we find the answer: It is in 2 parts.

Part one is that they live and move in the 24/7 awareness that God Knew them and God knows them:  His presence and His Rhema are constant! He  chose them and planned for them: For them the arguments are over: Guided 100% by His grace and not by law yet that grace teaches them moment by moment to flee sin and follow righteousness: Part 2 tells us that they actually have within them the dynamite of God's Holy spirit and are enabled year by year to veer away or depart from all iniquity.Looking in the rear view mirror of the spirit of the law they can see now that that law is now being worked out automatically in their lives. (e.g "keep holy the Lords day" now has a 168 hour week application without them ever trying. How did that happen?))

Use the plumb line of scripture (e.g.  Isaiah 53 v 3 : Phil 1 v 29: Romans 9:10-11:  2 Cor 11 v 23-28 and Heb 11 in full) --- rather than the easy, post 1850 A.D,. terminology endorsed by populist preaching and world famous (!) evangelists.