What I am about to say may shock and disturb but that is not my intention.
In a world growing darker and darker by the day it is important that "the salt lose not it's savour" i.e. that the sharpness and clarity of God's Word be precious to our hearts,
We are in the world but not of it: A ship behaves fine surrounded by the sea but if ever those seas get into the ship it spells disaster. Let's investigate then our salvation by examining scripture rather than listening to Youtube or other dead sources.
We are in the world but not of it: A ship behaves fine surrounded by the sea but if ever those seas get into the ship it spells disaster. Let's investigate then our salvation by examining scripture rather than listening to Youtube or other dead sources.
"Nobody will ever get to heaven by inviting Jesus into their hearts: Nobody ever will be saved by filling out a decision card, walking up to the front of a congregation or by answering an "altar call. Go back 200 years and you'll find none of that commercialism and very little of it until it was popularised in the 1970s" There! I've said it now and many could be hurt, dismayed or confused but let me do my best to tease this matter out and bring comfort.
John 1:13 tells the reason why, in plain easy to understand terms:
"who were begotten not of bloods, neither of the will of the flesh, neither of the
will of a man, but of God"
will of a man, but of God"
- Not of bloods means it's not passed down from parent to child: nor from believer to believer:
- Not of the will of the flesh means it's not of anything you say or do or desire: (John 6:44)
- Neither can the efforts or prayers or formulae of any preacher or evangelist bring it about:
- If it's going to happen it must be of God and God alone!
Jesus said; "You did not choose me but I have chosen you!" (John 15:16)
If you're not chosen of God for this period you can't make yourself chosen.: Have you ever known someone who appeared to be a genuine seeker who invited Jesus into their heart, said all the right words and walked to the front but were not "changed" a whit. To call a spade a spade they came out the same as they went in and life went on just as before. Untouched! But why?
Today, God is choosing an Ecclesia (called out ones), who are graciously gifted with God-Faith and and He has also ordained suffering for them (Phil 1:29) This suffering will loose the ties to this kingdom of darkness thus extricating them from "loving this present world system" Millions upon millions of others, some of them apparently far more deserving of God's mercy, are banging on the door of heaven but all to no avail. That door is firmly shut by God and open only to those God has chosen for round 1. Sounds so unfair until you see His amazing plan for those chosen for rounds 2 and 3!
In a later article, I will explore what the future holds for all others, (with separate destinies and callings) but for the moment let's focus on those called today.: God chooses whom He chooses not based on moral integrity or religious fervour. To outsiders they may look like a motley company of apparent drop outs and losers. {Remember that Gideon's 32,000 army was whittled down to 300 for God's greater glory:} Those chosen today here on earth will always be a small company, suffer as Jesus and Paul and all the chosen did. (Heb 5:8: 2 Cor 11:24ff) Later they will be snatched away (raptured) for an amazing 1000 year work in applying the blood of Calvary to the heavenlies!
If you're not chosen of God for this period you can't make yourself chosen.: Have you ever known someone who appeared to be a genuine seeker who invited Jesus into their heart, said all the right words and walked to the front but were not "changed" a whit. To call a spade a spade they came out the same as they went in and life went on just as before. Untouched! But why?
Today, God is choosing an Ecclesia (called out ones), who are graciously gifted with God-Faith and and He has also ordained suffering for them (Phil 1:29) This suffering will loose the ties to this kingdom of darkness thus extricating them from "loving this present world system" Millions upon millions of others, some of them apparently far more deserving of God's mercy, are banging on the door of heaven but all to no avail. That door is firmly shut by God and open only to those God has chosen for round 1. Sounds so unfair until you see His amazing plan for those chosen for rounds 2 and 3!
In a later article, I will explore what the future holds for all others, (with separate destinies and callings) but for the moment let's focus on those called today.: God chooses whom He chooses not based on moral integrity or religious fervour. To outsiders they may look like a motley company of apparent drop outs and losers. {Remember that Gideon's 32,000 army was whittled down to 300 for God's greater glory:} Those chosen today here on earth will always be a small company, suffer as Jesus and Paul and all the chosen did. (Heb 5:8: 2 Cor 11:24ff) Later they will be snatched away (raptured) for an amazing 1000 year work in applying the blood of Calvary to the heavenlies!
I know we can convince ourselves and others that seekers we heralded the good news to and who "said all the right the words"were secretly saved: But salvation is not a formula and salvation is never secret: It's a CHOICE.. not our choice but God's. (John 6:44: Romans 9:10-11)
Those dragged out by God's choosing, like Paul, are knocked off their horses (Be it the horse of religion, atheism, good works, respectability etc), They are graciously gifted with a wonderful revelation of the risen Christ, (rather than the Jesus sent to lost sheep of Israel - Matt 15:24
2 Cor 5:16).
They have no desire but to confess Christ openly and realise in their hearts that He is risen indeed. They enjoy a realisation that sin is paid for and they respond spontaneously to the free gift of God's righteousness with unbridled joy while also feeling the pain and tears of rejection.
Those dragged out by God's choosing, like Paul, are knocked off their horses (Be it the horse of religion, atheism, good works, respectability etc), They are graciously gifted with a wonderful revelation of the risen Christ, (rather than the Jesus sent to lost sheep of Israel - Matt 15:24
2 Cor 5:16).
They have no desire but to confess Christ openly and realise in their hearts that He is risen indeed. They enjoy a realisation that sin is paid for and they respond spontaneously to the free gift of God's righteousness with unbridled joy while also feeling the pain and tears of rejection.
{Initially after such a revelation they are so blessed that they often seek out a christian meeting or a bible group and do what they're instructed to do by that group. (Repent, ask Jesus into your heart, make a decision) They are then declared SAVED by that denomination or fellowship. Man's pride is satisfied that he has achieved something: But no! They were actually saved weeks or days or seconds before ever doing anything by coming into contact with one who heralded the Gospel: Let's give God all the glory! Not a man with man's formula but God with his appointed preacher or heralder}
If your hope of salvation is based on how you followed "such a formula" in the past, then beware that the light that is in you is not darkness: How can you be sure? How can you check whether you're saved or not? In 2 Tim 2:19 we find the answer: It is in 2 parts.
Part one is that they live and move in the 24/7 awareness that God Knew them and God knows them: His presence and His Rhema are constant! He chose them and planned for them: For them the arguments are over: Guided 100% by His grace and not by law yet that grace teaches them moment by moment to flee sin and follow righteousness: Part 2 tells us that they actually have within them the dynamite of God's Holy spirit and are enabled year by year to veer away or depart from all iniquity.Looking in the rear view mirror of the spirit of the law they can see now that that law is now being worked out automatically in their lives. (e.g "keep holy the Lords day" now has a 168 hour week application without them ever trying. How did that happen?))
Use the plumb line of scripture (e.g. Isaiah 53 v 3 : Phil 1 v 29: Romans 9:10-11: 2 Cor 11 v 23-28 and Heb 11 in full) --- rather than the easy, post 1850 A.D,. terminology endorsed by populist preaching and world famous (!) evangelists.
Part one is that they live and move in the 24/7 awareness that God Knew them and God knows them: His presence and His Rhema are constant! He chose them and planned for them: For them the arguments are over: Guided 100% by His grace and not by law yet that grace teaches them moment by moment to flee sin and follow righteousness: Part 2 tells us that they actually have within them the dynamite of God's Holy spirit and are enabled year by year to veer away or depart from all iniquity.Looking in the rear view mirror of the spirit of the law they can see now that that law is now being worked out automatically in their lives. (e.g "keep holy the Lords day" now has a 168 hour week application without them ever trying. How did that happen?))
Use the plumb line of scripture (e.g. Isaiah 53 v 3 : Phil 1 v 29: Romans 9:10-11: 2 Cor 11 v 23-28 and Heb 11 in full) --- rather than the easy, post 1850 A.D,. terminology endorsed by populist preaching and world famous (!) evangelists.
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