Job, eventually and after much pain came into closer relationship with God. His response, in chapter 42:5 was as follows: "I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear but now eyes see you and I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes".
The great prophet Isaiah had spoken so eloquently and so powerfully of God but in chapter 6 he got a new revelation of the holiness of God and said: “Woe is me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King,the Lord Almighty.”
John the evangelist probably knew Jesus of Nazareth better than most of the 12. This gentle obedient servant of the Lord says in Revelation 1:17 on meeting the glorified Christ:" When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead"
These examples show that God never compromises His Holiness and as long as we are in this sinful body of flesh we tremble in the presence of God's holiness. Today God is master and Christ is lord!. We are his willing slaves just as on earth Jesus made himself servant of His father God. When God comes down in personal or in community revival it is to lift up up rather than wallow in our darkness!
In wales the revival was powerful and life changing!: Here the abiding sense of God's love and forgiveness was expressed so eloquently in what is known as "The Love Song Of The Revival". Listen closely to the depth of understanding these people were gifted with and the soundness of the underlying knowledge of the Word.
Less than 50 years later the island of Lewis in the Hebrides was privileged by God to taste the wonderful blessings of His visitation. As you watch the Video be aware of the 3 aspects of Real Revival, mentioned in part 2, and note how each one is present in this revival
(A) The terrifying Holiness of God
(B) The Majesty and authority of God!
(C) Agape love and Grace and Blessings in abundance
When we compare these movements of God to the demonic circus of Toronto Blessing? or Florida Bam Bamming .. we are left speechless. Why oh why did nobody have the courage to shout stop? Where has the leadership in Gods ecclesia gone? Let me summarise this Fake satanic entertainment for you:
- A Demonic circus that embraces everything ungodly!
- The Holy Name of God was blasphemed
- Scripture & Christ trodden underfoot and laughed at
- Flesh exalted and sin canonised as the norm
- Demons invited onstage and Kundalini Spirits In Shameful Control.
- Countless millions forever misled and all in the name of Jesus
Now even at this late stage I invite the following men and women to come to their senses, meet together and have a look back at some of these videos of crazy carry on: It's time admit that God was blasphemed by much of this foolishness.
I'm speaking to you Benny & Rodney & Bill & John and Carol and John Wimber ..Todd I'm speaking to you and Oral and Kenneth C and Kenneth H. None of you were just sheep for you were appointed (or self appointed) shepherds and have much more to account for: (1 Cor 3:10 -15) At some point along the way the anchor of the written Word was discarded for the prestige of signs and wonders. That was wrong as you could have and should have held both (John 4) as in Lewis! {Let's call a spade a spade! True worship must be in spirit and in truth:} The result was you opened a highway to demonic seduction by demons masquerading as angels of light:(Spirit of Katherine Kuhlman or Angel Emma or Kundalini spirits or spirits of Greed)
Please listen to a simple Irishman. To put it bluntly, you are all old men and old women now but the circus is still in town! Come back to the written Logos: It is and always was the central ANCHOR, {It is not subjective} on which all else is held in balance.We cannot trust anything that does not line up with the rightly divided and rightly translated word. You have lost years, fellowships worldwide have displaced much of the objective reason based Word with loud music , sensuality & immorality -{ the fruit of Kundalini spirits} is now rife in pew and pulpit: Quiet confusion reigns! But God! But God! There still is a place in heaven retained for every last man and woman of you according to 1 Cor 3 Repent openly of all this nonsense: He's coming soon! And He still cares for you all!
If ever God ordains another Lewis it has to be in the next 4 years IMHO. (i.e. 2018 - 2023).
Please listen to a simple Irishman. To put it bluntly, you are all old men and old women now but the circus is still in town! Come back to the written Logos: It is and always was the central ANCHOR, {It is not subjective} on which all else is held in balance.We cannot trust anything that does not line up with the rightly divided and rightly translated word. You have lost years, fellowships worldwide have displaced much of the objective reason based Word with loud music , sensuality & immorality -{ the fruit of Kundalini spirits} is now rife in pew and pulpit: Quiet confusion reigns! But God! But God! There still is a place in heaven retained for every last man and woman of you according to 1 Cor 3 Repent openly of all this nonsense: He's coming soon! And He still cares for you all!
When Is The Next Revival? Final Word!
If ever God ordains another Lewis it has to be in the next 4 years IMHO. (i.e. 2018 - 2023).
- It may well start with personal revival in your own life:
- Insatiable thirst for more of Jesus will be your food.
- Holiness or separation from worldliness will follow.
- You wil no longer be addicted to TV ,Media or I-Phone.....
- You will long for closer intimacy with Christ, 24/7.
- Anything that condones sin will be quietly discarded!
- Comedy that attacks what God holds sacred grieves you!
- Everything you do ill be firmly anchored in the Word ..
- Refreshed daily by the Rhemas of God (Declarations)
- Carried along by the fruit of the spirit and brokeness ...
- The last Revival is then imminent! Enjoy & Tremble!
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